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(3) Checking connect of general-purpose servo system
In a general-purpose servo system which uses the AD75P(S3) positioning
module, the checking connect function of GX Configurator-AP allows the
AD75P(S3) to be initialized, I/O signals to/from external devices to be monitored,
and JOG operation to be performed.
The connection of the positioning system can be checked by monitoring signals
from the external devices, and the rotation directions of servomotors can be
checked by performing JOG operation.
External devices such as servomotors
and limit switches
Servo amplifiers
Connection of the positioning system using
the AD75P can be checked from the
peripheral device.
(4) Utilization of SW1RX/IVD/NX-AD75P data
Since the data created with type SW1RX/IVD/NX-AD75P positioning module
software package can be utilized on GX Configurator-AP, valuable resources can
be used efficiently.
GX Configurator-AP may also be saved as SW1RX/IVD/NX-AD75P format data.
[Data utilization example]
GX Configurator-AP
Open other format file.
Existing data created
with SW1IVD-AD75P