Setting dial
(Setting dial: Mitsubishi inverter
Used to change the
frequency setting and
parameter values.
Operation mode switchover
Used to switch between the PU and external operation mode.
When using the external operation mode (operation using a separately
connected frequency setting potentiometer and start signal), press this key to
light up the EXT indication. (Change the Pr.79 value to use the combined mode.)
PU: PU operation mode
EXT: External operation mode
Monitor(4-digit LED)
Shows the frequency, parameter
number, etc.
No function
Monitor indication
Lit to indicate monitoring mode.
PU: Lit to indicate PU operation mode.
EXT: Lit to indicate external operation mode.
NET: Lit to indicate network operation mode.
Rotation direction indication
REV: Lit during reverse rotation
FWD: Lit during forward rotation
Operation command
forward rotation
Operation command
reverse rotation
Stop operation
Alarms can be reset
Used to change
each setting mode.
Unit indication
· Hz: Lit to indicate frequency.
· A: Lit to indicate current.
· V: Lit to indicate voltage.
(Flicker when the set frequency monitor is
* Energy saving monitor is displayed when the
energy saving monitor of Pr. 52 is set.
Used to set each setting.
If pressed during operation, monitor
changes as below;
Operation mode indication
On: Forward/reverse operation
Flickering: When the frequency command is
not given even if the
forward/reverse command is given.
Explanation of the Operation Panel (FR-DU07)