
Mitsubishi HC6000 boasts an innovative black reproduction
that is a pure expression of excellence.
Show off breathtakingly vivid images with stunning color saturation and depth.
Heighten the excitement of your visual sense with high contrast pictures
brought on by a ratio of 13,000:1.
With automatic contrast control of the HC6000,
deep blacks harmonize with peak whites easily such that a quick shift
from a bright scene to a low-light or even night scene comes
with instant dynamic richness in each display.
Mitsubishi HC6000 is a visual stimulation realized
with our newly perfected auto iris and lens aperture algorithms.
Bring one home today and enjoy a new dimension of excellence in high definition.
Auto Iris and Lens
Aperture Algorithm
at Work
Every point, every detail, shown with optimal clarity
Clearly a superior reproduction of black levels,
white levels and all other colors