Indoor unit malfunction Display code
Float switch or water motor abnormal E0
Outdoor unit abnormal E1
Setting running mode is different with outdoor
running mode
Liquid temperature sensor is abnormal E3
Gas temperature sensor is abnormal E4
The communication between indoor 846 chip and
communication chip is abnormal
The communication with electronic expansion box
is abnormal
The communication between the wire remote
controller and indoor unit control board is abnormal
The communication between indoor and outdoor unit
is abnormal
Water temp. sensor is abnormal EB
Outdoor unit malfunction LED flashing times
Outdoor unit defrost temp. sensor is abnormal flashing once
Outdoor unit environment temp. sensor is abnormal flashing twice
Outdoor unit suction temp. sensor is abnormal flashing 3 times
Outdoor unit discharge temp. sensor is abnormal flashing 4times
Outdoor unit AC over-current protection flashing 6times
Outdoor unit DC voltage is insufficient protection flashing 7times
IPM protection flashing 9times
Outdoor unit EEPROM abnormal flashing 10times
Compressor Discharge temperature overheat
flashing 11times
The communication between outdoor unit 857 and
communication chip is abnormal
flashing 12times
Outdoor unit system over-high pressure protection
flashing 13 times
Indoor unit malfunction display code
Outdoor unit malfunction display code
(When the wire remote controller display E1,can check the indoor unit control board
LED1 or the outdoor unit control board LED1 Outdoor unit control board LED