EM316-2SFP User Guide
P/N 1259003-001 Rev C3 18
4.4 EM316LNXNM-OT Command Line Interface (CLI)
The EM316LNXNM-OT provides command line interface (CLI), SNMP, and graphical
administration options for a Fiber Driver chassis system. This section introduces the CLI for the
Linux-based network management (EM316LNXNM-OT) module.
The commands for EM316NM and EM316LNXNM-OT management are specific to each module.
The EM316LNXNM-OT management module also includes MegaVisionJ, a built-in graphical
interface to manage only the Fiber Driver chassis system controlled by the specified NM. This
graphical system is accessible from any standard Java-enabled web browser that can reach the IP
address assigned to the EM316LNXNM-OT. MegaVisionJ allows remote management of the entire
Fiber Driver chassis system and compatible modules.
Some commands applicable to the 2SFP modules are illustrated in this manual. The box below
lists a few sample commands addressed in this document. Refer to EM316LNXNM-OT documents
for more detail.
• show
• show version
• show slots
• show x.x
• ?
• list
• lin / no lin
• show digital-diagnostics
• show config
• show defaults
• description <name>
• shutdown / no shutdown
• loopback / no loopback
Figure 22 -- EM316LNXNM-OT general commands for 2SFP module
Some of these commands apply to both slot-level and port-level contexts as described in the
navigation portion of this section. Refer to EM316LNXNM-OT documentation for a more complete
discussion of the Linux-based interface and available commands.