Fiber Driver
EM316EDFA User Guide
P/N 1294008-001 Rev D2 11
5.2 EM316LNXNM-OT Command Line Interface (CLI)
The EM316LNXNM-OT provides command line interface (CLI), SNMP, and graphical
administration options for a Fiber Driver chassis system. This section introduces the CLI for the
Linux-based network management (EM316LNXNM-OT) module.
EM316LNXNM-OT management commands are specific to each module.
The EM316LNXNM-OT management module also includes MegaVisionJ, a built-in graphical
interface to manage only the Fiber Driver chassis system controlled by the specified NM. This
graphical system is accessible from any standard Java-enabled web browser that can reach the IP
address assigned to the EM316LNXNM-OT. MegaVisionJ allows remote management of the entire
Fiber Driver chassis system and compatible modules.
Some commands applicable to the EDFA amplifier modules or host chassis are illustrated in this
manual. The box below lists a few of the sample commands addressed in this document. Refer to
the Table of Contents for a list of commands addressed here, and refer to EM316LNXNM-OT
documents for more detail.
show config
show defaults
description <name>
Figure 7 -- EM316LNXNM-OT general commands for EDFA modules
Some of these commands apply to both slot-level and port-level contexts as described in the
navigation portion of this section. Refer to EM316LNXNM-OT documentation for a more complete
discussion of the Linux-based interface and available commands.