1. When changing the hydraulic oil or topping off the reservoir,
use only the following type. (Reservoir capacity 58 gal.)
Hydraulic oil: Shell Oil Tellius 68 or
Mobil DFE 26
Texaco Rand HDC
The Mayco pump is equipped with an in-tank return hydraulic
filter with a 10 micron cleanable filter. The element has been
designed to remove all particles large enough to cause wear
and job break down. Under normal conditions, we recommend
replacement every 6 month.
DO NOT mix oil brands! This may impair
Use only a 2½" diameter clean-out
hook when back-pumping into redi-
mix truck. Use a safety chain to secure
the clean-out hook to some solid part
of the mixer truck to prevent hook from
jumping off of the drum. Run the pump
at 6 strokes per minute maximum
2. Lubrication: Grease daily/Hour
Main hydraulic cylinders - 2 Place
Remix bearings - 2 Place
Axle crank - 1 Place
Suttle cylinders - 2 Place
“S” tube outlet flange - 3 Place
Grease Type: Lithium Based EP
Texaco Multitak 20
Lubriplate ED-2
The most important factor to keep in mind is the effect of cold
weather on the hydraulic oil. The viscosity (thickness) of the
hydraulic oil will be much heavier.
Always run machine until oil temperature reaches a minimum of
50°F. before pumping. Damage to the main piston pump will
occur if the machine is cycled too fast before the oil temperature
reaches the minimum of 50°F. Cycle the machine at 6-8 strokes
per minute at approximately 1/3 throttle.
In areas where the weather normally remains under 50°F., use
Shell Oil Tellus – 46, or the equivalent. The above steps must be
followed or severe damage to the main axial piston pump will be
the end result.
5. Add water to the hopper. Pump and flush clean the entire
hopper, shuttle tube and discharge elbow with water.
6. Scoop out 12 inches of concrete from the inboard end of the
delivery hose. “Cork screw” a 6" x 6" x 8" sponge into the end
of the first hose section. Reconnect the hose to the discharge
7. Fill hopper with water. Pump until sponge and clean water
come out the discharge end of the hose and line system.
8. When the Model ST-45 has been used to pump small
aggregate concrete (pea rock,
½" minus) or mixes with high
fines content (60% or more sand) there will be a tendency
for hardened concrete to build up on the inside surface of
the shuttle tube. Therefore, at the end of every such pour,
after the pump and system have been cleaned and the
engine shut off, remove the shuttle tube inspection plate
(follow the Shuttle Tube Inspection Procedure,
page 26-27) and remove all remaining concrete.
9. When the Model ST-45 has been used to pump large
aggregate concrete (
¾" to 1 ½") follow the instructions in
step 8 once per week.
NEVER use muriatic acid to clean the pump.
Acid will dissolve the chrome finish on
material cylinder bore and main hydraulic
cylinder rods.
ENGINE (Hatz Model 3M41 57HP Diesel)
The ST-45 is equipped with a Model 3M41 57HP diesel engine.
For information concerning the procedure in checking, removing,
cleaning, etc. of the various engine parts or any other information
on the engine not contained herein, refer to the engine
manufacturer’s instruction manual.