Specifications and part numbers are subject to change
without notice.
WT5C/WTE5C Water Trailer
Table Of Contents .................................................... 2
Parts Ordering Procedures ...................................... 3
Explanation Of Code In Remarks Column............... 4
Suggested Spare Parts ........................................... 5
Component Drawings
Nameplate and Decals Assembly ......................... 6-7
Water Tank Assembly ........................................... 8-9
Engine Mounting And Hose Assembly. ............. 10-11
Manifold Assembly............................................ 12-13
Manifold Valve Assembly .................................. 14-15
Rear Spray Valve Assembly ............................. 16-17
Tank Cradle Mounting Assembly ...................... 18-19
Tank Cradle Assembly ...................................... 20-21
Hydraulic Trailer Assembly ............................... 22-25
Electric Trailer Assembly ................................... 26-27
Terms And Conditions Of Sale — Parts ................ 28