
12-20 Ma I n t e n a n c e & pr o b L e M s o L v I n G
Machine errors
Symptom Suggested solutions
The LCD shows nothing, and
the keys are not working.
Check that the power switch is turned on.
The machine is not activated
when the power switch is
turned on.
Check that the power cord is connected properly.
The machine beeps and shows
an error message.
See “LCD error messages,” on page 12-14.
Documents jam frequently
• CheckfortheADFcoverisclosedproperly.
• IfthereisaforeignmatterintheADF,removeit.
• Ensurethatthedocumentisanacceptableweight.(See“Documenthandling,”
page 2-10.)
• CleantheADFrollers.(Seepage 12-3.)
Paper Jams Frequently
• Ensurethatthepaperisanacceptableweight.(See“Paperhandling,”page 2-12.)
Faxing errors
Symptom Suggested solutions
Cannot send
• Checkthatthephonelineisconnectedproperly.
• Checkthatthenumberstoredinyourautodialeriscorrect.
• Makesurethatthemachineisinfaxmode.Ifnot,changetothemodetothefax
mode by pressing <
c o p y
f a x
s c a n
Cannot stop transmission
Your machine cannot cancel a transmission by pressing <Stop>. To cancel a
transmission, press <Job Confirm./Fax Cancel> and select a job you want to
cancel, then press <Enter>. (See “Reviewing or canceling commands,” page 4-8
for more details.)
Cannot receive automatically
• Checkthatthephonelineisconnectedproperly.
• Checkthatthemachineisintheautomaticreceivingmode.(Seepage 5-2.)
• Thememorymaybefull.Ifthereisnopaperinthecassette,setapapertoprint
the received document stored in the memory.
Cannot receive manually
• Makesurethattheexternalphoneisattachedtoyourmachinetoreceiveafax
• Inmanualreceivemode,youmustpress<Start>beforeyouhangupthephone.
• Thememorymaybefull.Ifthereisnopaperinthecassette,setpaper.
Cannot store a document into
• Makesurethatthemachineisinfaxmode.Ifnot,changetothemodetothefax
mode by pressing <
c o p y
f a x
s c a n
• Thememorymaybefull.Ifthereisnopaperinthecassette,setthepaperto
print the received document stored in the memory.
• Thenumberofdocumentcanbestoredinthecurrentoperationisfull.Delete
unnecessary documents.
* The document glass is available only for the MFX-1950.