NI PXI-5600 Calibration Procedure 22 ni.com
Function Prototype
long niTuner_CalAdjustExternalCalibration
unsigned int calHandle,
double IFOutputPower,
double RFInputPower,
unsigned int calibrationProcedure,
unsigned long* done
This function processes the power inputs to calculate calibration coefficients for the specified
calibration procedure and stores them in a virtual EEPROM. The function
niTuner_CalCloseExternalCalibration saves these calibration coefficients to the
EEPROM when you set action =
0. Use this function at the end of the iterations of the loops
specified in the calibration procedure. You must call this function after
Name Description
calHandle The calibration session reference
IFOutputPower The value at the IF output connector on the NI PXI-5600, as measured by
the power meter
RFInputPower The value of the power at the output of the power splitter between the
signal generator output and the input connector
calibrationProcedure The calibration adjustment procedure calling this function:
0 = temperature correction coefficient
1 = IF frequency response
2 = RF frequency response
done The status of the temperature correction coefficient procedure:
0 = not done
1 = done