Thrive on the energy that exercise gives you. Watch your health risks scores go
down. Pay attention to how much easier everyday activity is. Notice how much
better you are sleeping. These kinds of additional benefi ts will continue to keep
you motivated if you make them just as important to you as weight loss.
Additionally, try not to view exercise as punishment. Look at it as an investment
in your health. If you don’t feel motivated to workout one day, think of something
that is appealing to you that is active, and change your workout. Try not to let
your workout become routine or mundane, and always remember that some
exercise is better than none at all. So, if you feel you are not motivated to
continue, stop your workout early, or skip a day. It just might be the thing you
need to get you excited about your next workout.
Possibly the most important thing is to keep progressing your exercise
program slowly. Big increases in time or intensity can set you up for injury,
and cause you to drop out. Unless you are a world-class athlete, there is no
reason to workout at world-class levels. Remember to give yourself some
days off and get proper rest.
Finally, try to anticipate lapses. If you are traveling, or your schedule is
becoming busier, and you are fearful you may get off track, try planning ahead.
For example, book a hotel that has a workout facility or change up your workout
so that you keep your interest high and your boredom low. The bottom line is
you must be creative and innovative to keep up your fi tness program. With
some imagination and planning, it is easy to do.
Exercise is one of life’s joys. It energizes you, helps you look and feel better and
puts you on the road to better health. Your home fi tness equipment and gym is
worth its weight in gold. Congratulations on making the choice to get started!
Suggested Reading:
The Complete Home Fitness Handbook by Edmund Burke,
Human Kinetics Publisher.
Full Body Flexibility by Jay Blahnik, Human Kinetics Publisher.
Building Strength and Stamina by Wayne Wescott, PhD,
Human Kinetics Publisher.
Cross-Training for Dummies by Tony Ryan and Martica
Heaner, For Dummies Publisher.