Heart Rate Zone Trainer Program
This is a great beginner heart rate program. The
Heart Rate Zone Trainer is a traditional “constant
heart rate” program that allows you to exercise at a
selected target heart rate by automatically adjusting
the intensity level (resistance) during the workout.
The default target heart rate is equal to 70% of your
maximum heart rate which is calculated by the
following equation: 220 – (Age) X 70%. To choose
a different target heart rate at any time during the
workout, use the UP and DOWN LEVEL keys to enter
the new target heart rate, then press the ENTER Key.
To use the Heart Rate Zone Trainer Program:
1. Put the chest strap on. Remember to wet the
electrodes underneath the chest strap. The
console must detect a heart rate signal before
it will allow you to select the Heart Rate Zone
Trainer Program.
2. Press the PROGRAM Key to enter the program
selection menu. Use the UP/DOWN LEVEL
Keys to advance to the HEART RATE ZONE
TRAINER Program.
3. Press the ENTER Key to confi rm selection.
4. Enter your weight using the UP and DOWN Keys
and press ENTER to confi rm.
• Your weight is used to calculate the number
of calories burned during each minute of
exercise and the total number of calories
burned during the exercise session.
4. Enter your age using the UP/DOWN LEVEL Keys
and press ENTER to confi rm.
5. The console will display TARGET HEART RATE.
A suggested target heart rate will be displayed,
based on your age. Press ENTER to accept the
calculated target heart rate, or enter a different
target heart rate using the UP/DOWN LEVEL Keys
and then press ENTER to confi rm.
• The target heart rate selected by the console
is based on age, and is equal to 70% of your
maximum heart rate which is calculated by the
following equation: (220 – Age) x 70%. (See
chart below.)
6. Enter the desired workout time and press the
ENTER Key to confi rm.
To choose a different target heart rate at any time
during the workout, use the UP and DOWN LEVEL
Keys to adjust your target heart rate, then press the
ENTER Key to confi rm.
The following messages may be displayed
during a workout:
CHECK HR BELT — Indicates that the heart rate signal
has been missing for the last 30 seconds.
HR BELT NEEDED — No telemetry belt signal has
been sensed during the initial setup time.
An Example of Calculating Maximum Heart Rate:
User is
40 years
of age
220 – 40 = 180
(180 beats per minute would be the
approximate maximum heart rate for
a 40 year old user)
180 x 70% = 126
(126 beats per minute would be the heart
rate of a 40 year old user working out at
70% of their maximum heart rate.)