The Calorie Burner Program
A 30 interval workout designed for users wanting
to increase their aerobic capacity. The changes of
the intensity in the program are greater than the
changes in the Fat Burner program, and are designed
specifi cally to tax the cardiorespiratory system.
The profi le in the center display indicates relative
intensity. Any changes to the intensity level will not
change the look of the remaining profi le; however, the
new intensity level will continue through the rest of
the workout.
To use the Calorie Burner program:
1. Press the [CALORIE BURNER] key. The
message,”CALORIE BURNER”, will be displayed on
the text line with the workout profi le displayed in
the lower display.
2. The console will display”ENTER WEIGHT - LBS”
(or”ENTER WEIGHT - KG” if in Metric mode).
Enter your weight using the numeric keypad and
press [ENTER]. Or, press [ENTER] to accept the
default value.
3. The console will display”ENTER LEVEL 1 - 20”.
Enter the desired intensity level using the numeric
keypad and press [ENTER]. Or, press [ENTER] to
accept the default value.
4. Next, the console will display”ENTER TIME 5 – 99”.
Enter the desired time and press [ENTER]. Or,
press [ENTER] to select the default time.
5. The console will display”ENJOY WORKOUT” and
the timer will begin.
The intensity level may be changed at any time
during the workout by pressing the [Level: UP] key
to increase the resistance, or the [Level: DOWN]
key to decrease the resistance. Any changes to
the intensity level will be displayed in the current
fl ashing column. The new intensity level will
continue through the rest of the workout until
changed using the Level keys.
6. Press [STOP] to end the workout. The workout
statistics will be displayed, and then the console
will revert back to the”SELECT WORKOUT”
The Intervals Program
An interval workout containing 8 alternating rest
intervals with 7 exercise intervals. An interval cycle
consists of a work phase and a rest phase. You may
scale the rest intensity level and the work intensity
level independently - which will be saved for the
remainder of the workout.
To use the Intervals program:
1. Press the [INTERVALS] key. The
message,”INTERVALS”, will be displayed on the
text line with the workout profi le displayed in the
lower display.
2. The console will display”ENTER WEIGHT - LBS”
(or”ENTER WEIGHT - KG” if in Metric mode).
Enter your weight using the numeric keypad and
press [ENTER]. Or, press [ENTER] to accept the
default value.
3. The console will display”ENTER WORK LEVEL”.
Enter the desired work intensity level using the
numeric keypad and press [ENTER]. Or, press
[ENTER] to accept the default value.
Your weight, stride rate, and intensity level are
used to calculate the number of calories burned
for each minute of exercise and the total number
of calories burned for the exercise session.
CommElliptical_OM_0305.indd 10 6/6/2005 2:22:46 PM