Using Cable Station Hand Grips:
These handgrips can be used as regular grips,
hand cuffs or ankle cuffs and can be placed
over the shoulders for aid in resisted crunch and
oblique exercises.
Regular Grip:
Grasp the handle and cuff together to form a grip
without inserting your hand through the cuff
portion. Most of the exercises you perform utilize
this grip.
Hand Cuff Grip:
Slip your hand through the cuff portion of the grip so that
the foam pad rests on the back of your hand. Then grasp
the remainder of the grip that is sitting in your palm. This
method of gripping is great for exercises like front
shoulder raises or any exercise where your palm is
facing down.
Ankle Cuff Grip:
The cuff opening can be made larger to accommodate
the ankle. Simply insert your hand in the cuff and slide it
away from the handle. Insert your foot or ankle and
tighten the grip by sliding the handle back toward the
Grips manufactured under license agreement with
Hands-On Sports & Gym Accessories Inc. Patent #
Daily– Before each use you should inspect your weight machine to ensure that the cables and
pulleys are in good condition and operating smoothly. If cable appears to have any damage,
including bulging, discoloration or any wires are exposed, DO NOT USE MACHINE. Contact your
authorized Nautilus Fitness Dealer to service machine. After each use, wipe machine free of
sweat with a clean, dry cloth. Upholstery can be cleaned with a mild detergent or spray cleaner.
DO NOT clean the upholstry with cleansers that contain enzymes.
Weekly – If used often, your machine should be thoroughly cleaned using a clean cloth and an
ammonia-based cleaner. Wipe machine down completely and be sure to touch up any scratches
with touch-up paint to prevent rusting.
Twice Yearly– To keep your machine operating smoothly and looking good for many years to
come, you want to clean and lubricate the machine’s Guide Rods. To do this, remove the weight
shrouds using a 9/16” socket or wrench. Clean the long chrome rods thoroughly using a clean
cloth and ammonia cleaner. Wipe rods completely dry. Spray a generous amount of silicon
lubricant on the rods.