The following describes the display functions and specifications on the Pro
Series treadmills.
Incline — The treadmill incline is displayed in percent elevation. The Pro Series
treadmill has an incline range of 0 to 12%.
Time —
The selected workout time is displayed in the upper center display. In
the Time Based workouts, the timer will count down to 0:00 from the preset
time you have selected. In the 5K Distance program, HRC Weight Loss and HRC
Cardio, the timer will count up. The timer will also count up if START is pressed
without selecting a workout program (This is a QUICK START).
Speed —
The treadmill speed is displayed in miles per hour (or kilometers
per hour) in the lower right display. The Pro Series T7 14 treadmill has a speed
operation range of 0.5 mph to 12 mph (0.8 kph to 19.2 kph).
Heart Rate —
Current heart rate is displayed in beats per minute in the upper
left display.
Distance —
Provides a cumulative total of the equivalent distance, in miles (or
kilometers if your display is set to metric units), you have traveled in the upper
right display (shared with Calories)
Calories —
Provides a current total of the number of Calories burned during
a workout in the upper right display (shared with Distance) Note: this number
is only an approximation as a user’s caloric expenditure will vary significantly
based on a persons age, gender, weight and metabolism.
Pace — Displays the walking/running pace in minutes per mile (or minutes per
kilometer). This time displayed is the time it will take you to complete one mile
(or kilometer) at your current rate.
Pace is shown in upper center display (Time display) for 4 seconds anytime
speed is modified using the Speed Up and Down Keys. For speeds less than 0.7
mph, Pace is displayed in the format 000 where Pace is expressed in minutes
only (no seconds). For speeds greater than or equal to 0.7 mph, Pace is displayed
in the format 00:00 where Pace is expressed as minutes and seconds.
Workout Profile — The dot-matrix area of the display shows the actual
course profile of the selected exercise program. The taller the column, the
higher the incline and/or speed for that interval. The flashing column shows
your current interval.
00:0 3
00:0 4