Treadmill Display Functions
The following describes the display functions and specifications for the
Commercial Series T9.14 Treadmill.
Incline — The treadmill incline is displayed in percentage of elevation. The T9.14
treadmill has an incline range of 0 to 15%.
Time — The selected workout time is displayed in the upper left section of the
display window. In most of the workouts, the timer will count down, in minutes
and seconds, until the workout is finished or stopped. If (0) is entered in the
(MANUAL) or (HR ZONE TRAINER) workout, the timer will count up.
Interval Time — The interval time is displayed in the lower display, upper left
area. The interval timer counts down the remaining time within each interval.
Speed — The treadmill speed is displayed in miles per hour (or kilometers per
hour). The Commercial Series T9.14 treadmill has a speed operation range of 0.5
mph to 12 mph (0.8 kph to 19.2 kph).
Heart Rate — Current heart rate is displayed next to the heart icon, in beats per
minute, in the lower display, upper right area.
Percentage of Maximum Heart Rate — An approximation of maximal heart
rate is calculated based on the latest American College of Sports Medicine
predictive equation as follows:
Max Heart Rate = 215 – (Age * .75)
Percentage of maximum heart rate will only be shown in HRC programs.
Example: For a person 40 years of age, max HR is estimated as
215 – 40 (age) * .75 = 185 . 185 beats per minute would be the approximate
maximum heart rate for a 40-year-old user.
If the user works out at 140 beats per minute, then 76% (140 / 185 = 76%) will
be displayed in the upper left corner of the lower display area. This means that
the 40 year old user working at 140 beats per minute is at 76% of their maximum
heart rate.
(See the Heart Training programs for more information.)
Distance — Provides a cumulative total of the equivalent distance, in miles (or
kilometers if your display is set to metric units), you have traveled.
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