MN002000A © 2004 Navman NZ Ltd. All rights reserved. Proprietary information and specifications subject to change without notice.
3.5 Jupiter binary data messages
This section describes the binary data messages
of the Jupiter GPS receiver. All output and input
binary messages are listed in Table 3-4 together
with their corresponding message IDs. Power-up
default messages are also identified.
Binary messages are transmitted and received
across the host port serial I/O interface (RS-232),
default communication parameters are: 9600 bps,
no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
3.5.1 Binary output message descriptions
This section provides details for each of the output
binary messages. Message 1000 (geodetic position status
This message outputs the receiver’s estimate of
position, ground speed, course over ground, climb
rate, and map datum. A solution status indicates if
the solution is valid (based on the solution validity
criteria), the type of solution, and the number of
measurements used to compute the solution.
The polar navigation flag is used to indicate that
the solution estimate is too close to the North or
South Pole to estimate longitude. When this flag
is true, the longitude and true course outputs are
invalid and are not updated. Users operating near
the poles should use the ‘ECEF position status
output’ message. (See Table 3-5.)
Message ID: 1000
Rate: variable; defaults to 1 Hz
Message length: 55 words
Word No. Name Type Units Range
1-4 Message header
5 Header checksum
6-7 Set time (Note 1) UDI 10 ms ticks 0 to 4 294 967 295
8 Sequence number (Note 2) I 0 to 32 767
9 Satellite measurement sequence number (Note 3) I 0 to 32 767
Navigation solution validity (10.0-10.15)
10.0 Solution invalid—altitude used (Note 4) Bit 1 = true
10.1 Solution invalid—no differential GPS (Note 4) Bit 1 = true
10.2 Solution invalid—not enough satellites in track (Note 4) Bit 1 = true
10.3 Solution invalid—exceeded max EHPE (Note 4) Bit 1 =true
10.4 Solution invalid—exceeded max EVPE (Note 4) Bit 1 =true
10.5 Solution invalid—no DR measurements (Note 5) Bit 1 = true
10.6 Solution invalid—no DR calibration (Note 6) Bit 1 = true
10.7 Solution invalid—no concurrent DR calibration by GPS (Note 7) Bit 1 = true
10.8-10.15 Reserved
Navigation solution type (11.0-11.15)
11.0 Solution type - propagated solution (Note 8) Bit 1 = propagated
11.1 Solution type - altitude used Bit 1 = altitude used
11.2 Solution type -differential Bit 1 = differential
11.3 Solution type - PM Bit 1 = RF off
11.4 Solution type – GPS (Note 9) Bit 1 = true
11.5 Solution type – concurrent GPS calibrated DR (Note 10) Bit 1 = true
11.6 Solution type – stored calibration DR (Note 11) Bit 1 = true
11.7-11.15 Reserved
12 Number of measurements used in solution UI 0 to 12
Table 3-5 (1 of 2) Message 1000 (geodetic position status output)