Variable map and navigation
screens allowing you to choose
your preferred navigation screen.
Map Display only, Map and
Navigation Instructions or Key
Instructions display screen only.
Navigate and Arrive
By an address to a door, a
street name, an intersection or
to a point of interest selected
from the integrated map data
base included.
Automatic calculation of of
any route bring you Back-On-
Track™ fast if you take the
wrong turn.
Visual Guidance
Automatic zooming when
driving with overlay arrows
showing the exact turn
to take when you approach
a junction or a roundabout.
Edit Destination menu to
navigate to your Home, Office,
Hotel, Restaurant etc… with
out having to enter the same
details over and over again.
Full colour maps display
showing parks, lakes and
rivers over view or at street
level detail.
Arrive on time. For those hard to find locations, the Navman GPS 4400 is an
indispensable business tool. Sales people on the road, delivery staff, service
engineers, any business that regularly needs to send staff to unfamiliar
locations, will benefit hugely from the help of a GPS 4400.
And because it is a mobile system, you can easily use it in different vehicles.
Which makes it a cost effective solution.
That anyone can use. On any Bluetooth embedded Pocket PC.
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