F15/F25 | How do I view my route?
How do I use the Map Menu?
The Map Menu allows you to access navigational functions from the 3D Map and 2D Map screens.
Displaying the Map Menu
1. Tap to display the 3D Map or 2D Map screen.
2. Tap and drag to move around the map to your selected location.
3. Tap the map.
The Map Menu will display.
Map Menu options
The following options are available via the Map Menu:
Menu Option Description
Navigate To Calculates a route from your current location, if your Navman has a GPS fix.
Show Details
Displays the Preview screen from where you can:
View details of the location
Add the location to your multi-stop trip
Save the location as a favourite
Navigate to the location.
Nearest POI
Displays the Select POI Category screen. Select the Category, then Search for a POI to navigate to. For
further information, see "How do I search for a Point of Interest?" on
page 24.
Avoid Area Allows you to add an Avoid Area by tapping and dragging the map.
Un-Avoid Area Deletes the selected Avoid Area.
Add to Trip Adds the location to your multi-stop trip.
Displays the Route sub-menu from where you can:
Set as Start. Sets the location as your departure point.
Demonstrate. Starts the route demonstration, demonstrating navigation from your current position
or departure point.
Stop Demonstration. Stops the route demonstration.
Skip Waypoint. Skips the next stop on your multi-stop trip.
Show Summary. Displays a summary of your route, including your departure and destination
addresses, total distance and total estimated time to your destination.
Detour. Detours your route to avoid the next 1, 2, 5, 10 or 20 kilometers or the next 1, 2, 5, 10 or
20 miles.