Basic list of components
1 Mobile conveyor belt frame 9 m8 aut nut
2 Fixed conveyor belt frame 10 M8x10 dowel
3Gudgeon pin for conveyor belt frame 11 m8 collar
4 A4x50 split pin 12 hydraulic pipes
5 Cylinder 13 screw for the collar
6 Mobile pin for cylinder 14 rubber conveyor belt
7 Hydraulic engine frame 15 M27 nut
8 8 Flat washer
Directions for assembly:
Please wear protective gloves first.
Fix the mobile conveyor belt frame (1) to the fixed one (2) by using the pin for the
conveyor belt frame (3). Block the pin with the two split pins (4).
Let the bush of the cylinder (5) overlap with the holes of the mobile conveyor belt
frame (1); insert the mobile pin for the cylinder (6) and block it with the two split
pins (4).
Assemble the hydraulic engine frame (7) on the mobile conveyor belt frame (1) by
using the four flat washers (8) and the four M8 nuts. Block the coupling made
through the dowel (10). Put the hydraulic pipes (12) in place in the collars (11) ; bolt
the screws (13) placing the washers (8) in between.
Place the rubber conveyor belt (14) on the roll of the mobile conveyor belt frame (1)
and, using the four M27 nuts (15), stretch it until it touches the scraper of the mobile
conveyor belt frame (2). The conveyor belt (14) must be centred as to roll freely.
Authorised trailers only can transport this Bio-Shredder. Before transporting the
machine hooked to the tractor, please disconnect the transmission shaft.
During transport, fasten the machine to the trailer as well as you can, making sure
that the Bio-Shredder does not exceed the allowed limits of the overall volume of the
means of transport used.
Working times
According to the regulations for noise reduction, Bio-Shredders can not be used at the
following times: on working days from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and from 7:00 to 7:00
a.m. of the following day; on bank holidays from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 and from 10:00
p.m. to 7:00 a.m. of the following day.