Wireless Cable Modem Gateway CG814WG v3 Reference Manual
Managing Your Network 4-3
v1.0, June 2007
Signal Status
You can use the Signal Status page to track your gateway’s initialization procedure, and to get
details on the Downstream and Upstream cable channel. After the cable modem is initialized you
can see the current time.
The gateway goes through the following steps to be provisioned
1. Acquire and lock Downstream Channel
2. Acquire upstream parameters and range.
3. Lock Upstream Channel
4. Acquire IP Address through DHCP
Status System Up Time This is the time since the gateway has registered with your
cable service provider.
Network Access This field will change to Allowed when the registration with your
cable service provider is complete.
Cable Modem IP Address The IP address of you gateway, as seen from the Internet.
Figure 4-3
Table 4-1. Gateway Status Fields (continued)
Field Description