Chapter 4: Configuring Quality of Service | 131
GS716Tv2 and GS724Tv3 Software Administration Manual
Interface Queue Configuration
Use the Interface Queue Configuration page to define what a particular queue does by
configuring switch egress queues. User-configurable parameters control the amount of
bandwidth used by the queue, the queue depth during times of congestion, and the
scheduling of packet transmission from the set of all queues on a port. Each port has its own
CoS queue-related configuration.
The configuration process is simplified by allowing each CoS queue parameter to be
configured globally or per-port. A global configuration change is automatically applied to all
ports in the system.
To display the Interface Queue Configuration page, click the QoS CoS tab, and then click
the Advanced Interface Queue Configuration link.
To configure CoS queue settings for an interface:
1. To configure CoS queue settings for a physical port, click PORTS.
2. To configure CoS queue settings for a Link Aggregation Group (LAG), click LAGS.
3. To configure CoS queue settings for both physical ports and LAGs, click ALL.
4. Select the check box next to the port or LAG to configure. You can select multiple ports and
LAGs to apply the same setting to the selected interfaces. Select the check box in the
heading row to apply a trust mode or rate to all interfaces.
5. Configure any of the following settings: