
7000 Series L3 Managed Switch Reference Manual for Software v2.0
Switching Commands 7-35
Format config vlan port acceptframe <all|vlan>
config vlan port ingressfilter
This command enables or disables ingress filtering. If ingress filtering is disabled, frames received
with VLAN IDs that do not match the VLAN membership of the receiving interface are admitted
and forwarded to ports that are members of that VLAN.
Default disable
Format config vlan port ingressfilter <enable|dis-
able> <slot.port|all>
show protocol
This command displays the Protocol-Based VLAN information for either the entire system, or for
the indicated Group.
Format show protocol detailed <groupid/all>
Group Name
This field displays the group name of an entry in the Protocol-
based VLAN table.
Group ID This field displays the group identifier of the protocol group.
Protocol(s) This field indicates the type of protocol(s) for this group.
VLAN This field indicates the VLAN associated with this Protocol
Interface(s) This field lists the Slot.Port interface(s) that are associated with
this Protocol Group.
config protocol create
This command adds protocol-based VLAN group to the system. The <groupName> is a character
string of 1 to 16 characters. When it is created, the protocol group will be assigned a unique
number that will be used to identify the group in subsequent commands.
Format config protocol create <groupname>
config protocol delete
This command removes the protocol-based VLAN group that is identified by this <groupid>.
Format config protocol delete <groupid>