Reference Manual for the NETGEAR Storage Central SC101
v1.0, September 2005
Easy Access to Photos, Music, or Videos
The SC101 allows you to create a central storage location for photos and multimedia.
Typically, sharing photos, music, or videos, includes these elements:
• One or more SC101 units each with one or two hard disks installed and the SC101 software
installed on each PC that will access the SC101 units.
• The SC101 drive you allocate needs to be set to Shared.
• Attach the SC101 drive to each PC that you want to use for running the software.
• Video playback can be resource intensive. For accessing videos, you may find that the speed
of the hard disk drive and the speed of other elements of the network will contribute to a video
viewing experience that does not suffer from pauses. If the video is sent over a wireless
connection in your network, the new wireless technologies like those found in the NETGEAR
products will be good choices for such applications.
• Restricting unauthorized access.
– If your network does not include wireless access, and you want all these files to be
available for any computer connected to the network on which the SC101 software is
installed, then you do not need a password to restrict access.
Figure 4-2
Note: If you relocate your Storage Central SC101 to another network, you will need
to install the Storage Central software on any PC on the new network that you
plan to use with the SC101. Remember to attach any existing SC101 drives to
these PCs accordingly.