System-to-System Developer’s Guide v3.0
Confidential Material 13 of 19
smbXML is used for all communications between the integration partner and NetSuite. The following smbXML-
related documentation may be found with the NetSuite Developer Program Technical Documentation on the
NetSuite website (http://www.netsuite.com > Partners > Developer Program).
• release notes
• smbXML Developer’s Guide
• example import files
• customer v. application provider document
• methodology documents
• DTD and release note archive
The current DTD for smbXML is available at the following URL:
• http://www.netsuite.com/xml/dtd/smb_X_XX.dtd
where X_XX represents the current DTD revision number
The smbXML DTD is used for both smbXML UI Import, using the standard web-based interface, as well as for
System-to-System data exchange. In order to support System-to-System smbXML, there have been two minor
changes to the smbXML DTD. The existing <smbxml> element has been modified to include a header element,
required for System-to-System data exchange, but which remains optional/ignored during smbXML UI import.
The new header element, referenced in the <smbxml> element, has been added and defined as:
<!ELEMENT smbxml ((header?, request+) | response+)>
<!ELEMENT header (partnerId, partnerAccount)>
• partnerId is the integration partner’s unique identifier, as provided to the partner by NetSuite (typically five numeric
digits long)
• partnerAccount is the integration partner’s unique account name for the target company to post data to in NetSuite
o In the case of a customer integration, partnerAccount is the customer’s company name, for their own account,
and is provided once during the initial setup phase. For a customer, the partnerId will always be the same
o In the case of an application provider integration, partnerAccount is the application provider’s company name,
for the shared customer account, and is dynamically determined based upon which mutual customer’s
account they wish to post data into..