The Electronic Rangefinder
Note that with some subjects, the in-focus indicator (I) may be
displayed when the camera is not in focus. Check focus in the
display before shooting.
Error Messages and Displays
The following warnings appear in the camera aperture display.
• Auto and best moment capture modes are not supported.
• Motion Snapshots can be recorded only when an AF-S lens is
attached and the camera is in autofocus mode and then only
when the subject is in focus. Do not attempt to adjust focus
using the focus ring.
• Shutter speeds of 1 s or slower are not available.
• The sound monitor switch and focus operation button (Focus
Lock/MEMORY RECALL/AF Start) have no effect.
If a CPU lens is attached in manual focus
mode, the focus indicator can be used to
check whether the camera is focused on
the subject in the center focus area.
Focus indicator Status
I In focus.
2 Camera focused in front of subject.
4 Camera focused behind subject.
Unable to determine focus.
Display Problem Solution
Lens aperture ring is not
locked at minimum aperture.
When using CPU lenses, lock
aperture ring at minimum aper-
ture (highest f-number).
Non-CPU lens is attached, or
no lens is attached.
When using non-CPU lens, rotate
lens aperture ring to adjust aper-