The following table shows the number of pictures or amount of
movie footage that can be stored on a 16GB SanDisk SDSDQXP-
016G-J35 UHS-I microSDHC card at different image quality, size,
or movie settings. All figures are approximate; file size varies
with the type of card and scene recorded.
❚❚ Auto, Creative (Easy Panorama Excluded), t, u, v, w, Active Selection,
Slow View, and Smart Photo Selector
1 Off selected for Silent photography and Number of shots saved set to 1.
2 Image size applies to JPEG images only. Size of NEF (RAW) images can not
be changed. File size is the total for NEF (RAW) and JPEG images.
Memory Card Capacity
Image quality (0171) Image size (0172) File size No. of images
JPEG fine
5232 × 3488 35.3 MB 430
3920 × 2616 30.7 MB 494
2608 × 1744 27.5 MB 552
NEF (RAW) — 24.3 MB 625
JPEG fine
5232 × 3488 11.0 MB 1300
3920 × 2616 6.5 MB 2300
2608 × 1744 3.2 MB 4700
JPEG normal
5232 × 3488 5.8 MB 2600
3920 × 2616 3.5 MB 4300
2608 × 1744 1.9 MB 7900