Technical Notes—Specifi cations
Sync contact X-contact only; fl ash synchronization at up to ½50 s
Sync modes Front curtain sync (normal), slow sync, rear-curtain sync, red-
eye reduction, red-eye reduction with slow sync
Flash-ready indicator Lights when SB-series Speedlight such as 800, 80DX, 28DX,
50DX, 28, 27, or 22s is fully charged; blinks for 3 s after fl ash
is fi red at full output
Flash control
TTL TTL fl ash control by combined fi ve-segment TTL multi sensor
with single-component IC and 1,005-pixel AE sensor
• SB-800: i-TTL balanced fi ll-fl ash for digital SLR and standard
i-TTL fl ash for digital SLR
• SB-80DX, 28DX, or 50DX with type G or D lens: 3D multi-
sensor balanced-fi ll fl ash for digital SLR
• SB-80DX, 28DX, or 50DX with other lens: multi-sensor bal-
anced-fi ll fl ash for digital SLR
• SB-80DX, 28DX, or 50DX with spot metering: standard TTL
fl ash for digital SLR
Auto aperture Available with SB-800, 80DX, 28DX, or 50DX and CPU lens
Non-TTL auto Available with such Speedlights as SB-800, 28, 27, and 22s
Range-priority manual Available with SB-800
Accessory shoe Standard ISO hot-shoe contact with safety lock
Creative Lighting
With SB-800, supports Advanced Wireless Lighting, Auto FP
High-Speed Sync, Flash Color Information Communication,
modeling illumination, and FV Lock
Media Type I and II CompactFlash memory cards; Microdrives
File system Compliant with Design Rule for Camera File System (DCF)
and Digital Print Order Format (DPOF)
Compression • Compressed NEF (RAW): 12-bit lossless compression
• JPEG: JPEG baseline-compliant
Self-timer Electronically controlled timer with 2 – 20 s duration
Depth-of-fi eld preview Lens aperture stopped down when depth-of-fi eld preview
button is pressed
Monitor 2.5˝, 210,000-dot, low-temperature polysilicon TFT LCD with
brightness adjustment