
206 N The Retouch Menu: Creating Retouched Copies
Creating Retouched Copies
To create a retouched copy:
1 Display retouch options.
Highlight the desired item in the retouch menu
and press 2.
2 Select a picture.
Highlight a picture and press J (to view the
highlighted picture full screen, press and hold the
X button).
3 Select retouch options.
For more information, see the section for the
selected item.
To exit without creating a
retouched copy, press G.
4 Create a retouched copy.
Press J to create a retouched copy.
Except in the
photo information “image only” page (0 136),
retouched copies are indicated by a N icon.
A Retouch
The camera may not be able to display or retouch
images created with other devices.
If the image was
recorded at image quality settings of NEF (RAW) +
JPEG (0 59), retouch options apply only to the RAW
A Creating Retouched Copies During Playback
To create a retouched copy of the picture currently displayed in full-frame playback (0 135),
press P, then highlight Retouch and press J and select a retouch option (Image overlay