File format • NEF (RAW): 12 or 14 bit, lossless compressed or
• JPEG: JPEG-Baseline compliant with fine
(approx. 1 : 4), normal (approx. 1 : 8), or basic
(approx. 1 : 16) compression (Size priority);
Optimal quality compression available
• NEF (RAW) + JPEG: Single photograph recorded
in both NEF (RAW) and JPEG formats
Picture Control System Standard, Neutral, Vivid, Monochrome, Portrait,
Landscape, Flat; selected Picture Control can be
modified; storage for custom Picture Controls
Media SD (Secure Digital) and UHS-I compliant SDHC
and SDXC memory cards
Double slot Slot 2 can be used for overflow or backup
storage or for separate storage of copies
created using NEF+JPEG; pictures can be
copied between cards.
File system DCF 2.0, DPOF, Exif 2.3, PictBridge
Viewfinder Eye-level pentaprism single-lens reflex
Frame coverage • DX (24×16) image area: Approx. 100% horizontal
and 100% vertical
• 1.3× (18×12) image area: Approx. 97% horizontal
and 97% vertical
Magnification Approx. 0.94 × (50 mm f/1.4 lens at infinity,
–1.0 m
Eyepoint 19.5 mm (–1.0 m
; from center surface of
viewfinder eyepiece lens)
Diopter adjustment –2–+1 m