367Technical Notes
Mode Auto modes (iauto; j auto, flash off);
programmed auto with flexible program (P);
shutter-priority auto (S); aperture-priority auto
(A); manual (M); scene modes (k portrait;
llandscape; p child; msports; n close up;
onight portrait; rnight landscape; s party/
indoor; t beach/snow; u sunset; vdusk/
dawn; wpet portrait; xcandlelight; yblossom;
z autumn colors; 0food); special effects modes
(%night vision; S super vivid; T pop; U photo
illustration; ' toy camera effect; (miniature
effect; 3selective color; 1silhouette; 2high
key; 3 low key)
Exposure compensation Can be adjusted by –5 – +5 EV in increments of
/3 or
/2 EV in P, S, A, M, h, and % modes
Exposure bracketing 3 shots in steps of
/3 or
/2 EV
White balance bracketing 3 shots in steps of 1
ADL bracketing 2 shots
Exposure lock Luminosity locked at detected value with
A(L) button
ISO sensitivity
(Recommended Exposure
ISO 100 – 25600 in steps of
/3 EV.
Auto ISO
sensitivity control available
Active D-Lighting Y Auto, Z Extra high, P High, Q Normal,
R Low, ! Off
Autofocus Nikon Multi-CAM 4800DX autofocus sensor
module with TTL phase detection, 39 focus
points (including 9 cross-type sensor), and
AF-assist illuminator (range approx. 0.5–3 m/
1ft 8in.–9ft 10in.)
Detection range –1 – +19 EV (ISO 100, 20 °C/68 °F)