General Camera Setup
AF assist Allows you to enable or disable the AF-assist illuminator. E66
Digital zoom Allows you to enable and disable digital zoom. E66
Sound settings Allows you to adjust sound settings. E67
Auto off
Allows you to set the amount of time that passes before the
monitor turns off to save power.
Format memory/
Format card
Allows you to format the internal memory or the memory card. E68
Language Allows you to change the camera’s display language. E69
Video mode
Allows you to adjust video mode settings for connection to a
television. Select from NTSC and PAL.
Charge by
Allows you to set whether or not the battery in the camera is
charged when the camera is connected to a computer.
Blink warning
Allows you to set whether or not closed eyes are detected
when taking images of people using face detection.
Eye-Fi upload
Allows you to set whether or not to enable the function for
sending images to a computer using a commercially available
Eye-Fi card.
Reset all Allows you to reset the camera’s settings to their default values. E73
Firmware version View the current camera firmware version. E73
Option Description