A (Auto) Mode
Shooting Features
C Functions That Cannot Be Used Simultaneously
There are functions with which this setting cannot be enabled (A62).
Color options
Allows you to change the color tones of images at the
time of shooting. The available settings are Standard
color (default setting), Vivid color, Black-and-white,
Sepia, and Cyanotype.
AF area mode
Allows you to select how the camera determines the
focus area for autofocus, from Face priority (default
setting), Auto, Manual, Center, or Subject tracking.
Autofocus mode
When Single AF (default setting) is selected, the camera
focuses only while the shutter-release button is pressed
halfway. When Full-time AF is selected, the camera
focuses even when the shutter-release button is not
pressed halfway. You may hear the sound of the camera
Option Description A