The Shooting Menu (for A (Auto) Mode)
Reference Section
V Continuous
Enable continuous shooting or BSS (best shot selector).
Enter the A (auto) mode shooting screen M Press the d button M C Continuous
Option Description
U Single (default
One image is taken each time the shutter-release button is
k Continuous H
While the shutter-release button is held down, images are
taken at a rate of about 8 frames per second (fps) when Image
mode is set to P 4608×3456. Shooting ends when you
remove your finger from the shutter-release button or after 3
images are taken.
m Continuous L
While the shutter-release button is held down, up to 18 images
are taken at a rate of about 1.4 frames per second (fps) when
Image mode is set to P 4608×3456. Shooting ends when
you remove your finger from the shutter-release button.
C n
Continuous H: 120 fps
Each time the shutter-release button is pressed all the way, 50
frames are captured at a speed of about 120 frames per
second (fps) or faster. Image mode is fixed at O (image size:
640 × 480 pixels).
C j
ous H: 60 fps
Each time the shutter-release button is pressed all the way, 25
frames are captured at a speed of about 60 frames per second
(fps) or faster. Image mode is fixed at M (image size: 1280 ×
960 pixels).
D BSS (Best Shot
The “best shot selector” is recommended when shooting with
the flash off or the camera zoomed in, or in other situations in
which inadvertent motion can result in blurred images. When
BSS is on, the camera takes up to 10 images while the shutter-
release button is held down. The sharpest image in the series is
automatically selected and saved.