Selecting Enable release allows the shutter to be released when
no memory card is inserted, although no pictures will be recorded
(they will however be displayed in the monitor in demo mode).
Release locked is selected, the shutter-release button is only
enabled when a memory card is inserted in the camera.
If (V) is selected, the exposure indicators in the
top control panel and information display are displayed with
positive values on the left and negative values on the right.
(W) to display negative values on the left and
positive values on the right.
Choose whether the 1, 3, 4, and 2 controls on the multi selector
for vertical shooting are used for focus point selection (Focus
point selection; 0 103) or perform the same role as the matching
controls on the multi selector (Same as multi selector; note that in
this case, you can select Info42/Playback13 for Photo info
playback to reverse the role of the buttons so that pressing 1 or 3
displays additional images and pressing 4 or 2 changes the photo
information displayed). The role played by the center of the multi
selector for vertical shooting when Focus point selection is
chosen is that selected for Custom Setting f6 (Assign sub-selector
center, 0 333) > Press.
f12: Slot Empty Release Lock
G button ➜ ACustom Settings menu
f13: Reverse Indicators
G button ➜ ACustom Settings menu
f14: Assign Multi Selector (Vert.)
G button ➜ ACustom Settings menu