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Wireless Setup Guide
Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Later
Wireless Network Settings
During step nine of the setup process, you were asked to enter the wireless
settings into the blue section of the control centre. In order for the WT-2 to
function properly, these values must be entered correctly and completely. If
you are unsure about any of these values, please read on for a quick summary
of the required information and how to obtain it.
SSID (Network Name)
The SSID (Service Set IDentier) is a unique
name that identies a wireless network. All
devices operating on your network use this
name to nd and connect to the correct access
point. It is important to note that this value
is case sensitive so make sure that you enter it
exactly as written.
If you are unsure of the name of your network,
simply right-click on your wireless network
adapter’s tray icon and select View Available
Wireless Networks. This will list all of the networks
in range, as well as tell you the name of the
network that your computer is currently
connected to.
Network Type
This eld selects the type of WiFi network that
you would like to connect to. Infrastructure
networks (the type covered in this guide) are
wireless networks based around dedicated
access points. Ad-Hoc networks are a simpler
form of wireless networking where devices can
communicate directly with one another.
Species the frequency at which the wireless
network will operate. When used with
Infrastructure networks, the channel is
automatically determined so this field
cannot be modified in this mode.
Encryption Mode & Key
Wireless networks can optionally be congured
to encrypt data travelling over them to prevent
third parties from intercepting private
information. In order to use this, all devices on
the network must be congured with the same
encryption mode and key.
For instructions on configuring your network
to operate in this mode, please see the
documentation that came with your wireless
access point/router.
The Nikon WT-2/2A supports
both WEP and WPA encryption.
When enabled in both the camera
and the laptop, all transmitted
images will be encrypted to
prevent anyone from intercepting
For simplicity sake, this guide
leaves this feature disabled. For
most people this encryption is
not necessary - however if you
are concerned about this you
can turn it on.