Easy Installation
The DS8.3 and DS8.5 employ a bracket-
less mounting system in existing ceilings.
Simply cut a hole in the mounting surface,
install the frame by tightening the four
mounting “dogs” via the front panel
screws. The dogs first swivel 90°, then
clamp the loudspeakers frame to the dry-
wall as you tighten the screws.
Twist & Lock
Patented, (U.S. patent number 6,683,963).
two-piece twist and lock baffle frame
mechanism facilitates quick installations.
Moreover, it allows trouble-free upgrades
or repairs.
Hole Saving Bracket
Available as an optional accessory, DS8
Series New Construction Brackets can be
installed as a “hole-saver” before the dry-
wall goes up. The drywall contractor cuts
the holes as the drywall is installed, reduc-
ing installation time and minimizing the
chance for lost wires.
Features and Benefits