1. Video Synchronization from a Source Component
to a ZR-4630 Sync Input
An RCA Y-adapter is used to split the video output of a
source component for connection to one of the three
Source Sync Inputs of the ZR-4630 (2, 3, or 4). One side
of the RCA Y-adapter connects to the appropriate Source
Sync Input and the other side connects to the intended
destination for the video signal (i.e., the video input of a
TV, receiver or RF modulator).
The need for an RCA Y-adapter can be avoided if your
video source has two video outputs. One video output
connects to a Source Sync Input and the other to the
intended destination of the video signal.
Important Note: Source Sync Inputs are designed with
high-input impedances so as not to affect the quality of
the video signal when using an RCA Y-adapter.
2. Voltage Sync from a Source Component to a
ZR-4630 Sync Input
When obtaining a 12V sync signal from a source compo-
nent (refer to the Source Power Synchronization section of
this manual for more information), a Niles Accessory Cable
(FG00724) connected to a Radio Shack 274-326 mini-plug
to male RCA adapter provides proper connection to any of
the three Source Sync Inputs.
3. 12V Home Theater Sync to Home Theater Sync Input
The 12V Home Theater sync signal connects with a
mini-plug to the Home Theater Sync Input.
4. Keypads to Keypad Inputs for Zones 1-6
Four-pair twisted cable, terminated with male RJ-45
plugs, connects the keypads to the zoned Keypad Inputs
(for more information on Terminating Four-Pair Twisted
Cable, refer to page 44).s