Parental Controls
Parental Controls
Parental Controls can limit the download and use of
certain content on the Wii U system. Parental Controls
can also limit the use of certain Wii U system features.
• When Parental Controls are enabled, some System
Settings, such as Internet Settings, System Transfer,
and Format System Memory, cannot be accessed. You
will need to enter the PIN to access these features.
IMPORTANT: A parent or guardian should configure the Parental Controls settings.
PIN for Identification
Make sure to not forget the PIN and answer to the secret
question that you create when setting Parental Controls. If you
do forget these, tap "I Forgot" in the upper right corner of the
screen and follow the instructions displayed.
Restriction Options
See the Wii U Electronic Manual ( ), Parental Controls, for more information.
IMPORTANT: Restriction options are dependent on the availability of system features. A
System Update may be required for a complete list of options.
Game Rating Restricts all usage (as well as purchase through Nintendo
eShop) of software exceeding the selected rating.
Online Interaction in Games Restricts online features and exchange of content through
Internet Browser Restricts the use of the Internet browser.
Wii U Shopping Services Restricts the use of credit cards or the purchase of software
through services such as Nintendo eShop.
Miiverse Restricts users from viewing or posting content on Miiverse.
Friend Registration Prevents the registration of additional friends.
Entertainment Excluding Games Restricts the viewing of video content, both streaming and
stored on physical media such as discs. This setting may also
restrict software with video-playback functions.
Data Management Restricts the deletion or moving of software or save data using
Data Management
Internet Settings Restricts the addition, modification, or deletion of Internet
• Some features, such as Adding Users (p. 33) and Format System Memory, are restricted
• The Wii U Menu and the Wii Menu have different restriction options.