7. Type in the Username for your Internet account. This is your username, not your mail
8. Type in the Password for your Internet account. Then confirm the password by retyping it
in the Confirm password field. Note that the characters in your password are replaced
with symbols so that nobody can see them accidentally. Note that usernames and
passwords are usually case-sensitive (capitalisation of letters matters). Password fields
are not available if you have selected No to Password prompt.
The username and password are used for PPP (Point-to-Point protocol) authentication and
supplied to you by your Internet Service Provider. Some IAPs do not require the username
and password; some IAPs may only require the phone number and the connection name.
To define the advanced settings of the connection, press Advanced settings. A dialog with
four pages opens.
1.2.1 Setting proxies
You may wish to use a proxy to speed up access to the Internet. Note also that some ISPs
require the use of WWW proxies; contact your ISP to determine the proxy details.
You may also need a proxy server when you have an Internet connection for your company's
Intranet, and as a result are unable to retrieve Web pages from the WWW. In this situation
you may need to set up a proxy server to retrieve Web pages outside your company's
A proxy is a server at the interface between your communicator and the remote (target)
WWW server that offers the Web pages. Proxies usually cache popular documents so that
they do not need to be reloaded from the remote server every time they are accessed. After
you get the connections working, you may want to test the connection speed with and
without proxies to find out whether they offer any increase in speed.