
This chart shows the approximate weight resistance at each weight station. “Top” refers to the 10 lb. top weight.
The other numbers refer to the 10 lb. weight plates. Note: The actual resistance at each station may vary due to
differences in individual weight plates as well as friction between the cables, pulleys, and weight guides.
Weight Press Low High AB Leg Leg
Plates Arm Pulley Pulley Pulley Lever Press
(lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.)
Top 24 11 13 13 11 28
1 35 22 25 24 22 51
2 46 34 36 35 34 74
3 57 46 48 46 46 97
4 68 57 60 57 57 120
5 79 69 72 68 69 143
6 90 80 83 79 80 167
7 102 92 95 90 92 190
8 113 104 107 102 104 213
9 124 115 119 113 115 236
10 135 127 130 124 127 259
11 146 138 142 135 138 282
12 157 150 154 146 150 305
13 168 162 166 157 162 328
14 179 173 177 168 173 351
15 190 185 189 179 185 374
16 201 196 201 190 196 397
17 213 208 213 201 208 420
18 224 219 224 213 219 443
19 235 231 236 224 231 466