
2. While another person lifts the rear of the Frame (1),
attach the Rear Stabilizer (16) to the Frame with four
M8 x 40mm Button Screws (54) and four M8 Split
Washers (55).
3. While another person holds the Upright (2) in the posi-
tion shown, connect the Upper Wire Harness (42) to
the Lower Wire Harness (43). Carefully pull the
upper end of the Upper Wire Harness to remove
the slack from the Wire Harnesses.
Make sure that the Upright (2) is turned so the top
slopes down in the direction shown. Slide the
Uprightontothe Frame (1). Be careful to avoid pinch-
ing the Wire Harnesses (42, 43). Attachthe Uprightto
the Frame with fourM8 x 40ram ButtonScrews (54)
and four M8 Split Washers (55).
4. Hold the Handlebar (3) near the Upright (2). Feed the
Upper Wire Harness (42) up through the indicated hole
in the Handlebar. Attach the Handlebar to the Upright
with two M8 x 25ram Patch Screws (59) and two M8
Split Washers (55). Be careful to avoid pinching the
Upper Wire Harness.
Top must
slopedown in
this direction,
Do not pinch the
Wire Harnesses
(42,43) during
55 this step.
Do not pinch
the Upper
Wire Harness
(42) during
this step.
, _ 42