Handy Reference 45
Print Quality Problems
The Color Options tab on your computer screen provides a
list of color matching techniques and adjustments to provide
color balance in your document.
You can use the color bars at the bottom of the menu settings
page to help isolate which color is causing the problem. To
print the menu settings page, press and hold Print Menu for
several seconds.
The menu settings page prints.
The printer uses separate cartridges of cyan, magenta, yellow
and black toner to generate high definition color images.
Factors causing print quality problems may affect only one
color, or several colors, so the results may be unpredictable.
See the on-line OKICOLOR 8 User’s Guide for
additional print quality symptoms and solutions.
Colors do not print as expected.
A computer monitor and a printer use different methods to
generate colors based on a different set of primaries —Red,
Green and Blue (RGB) for monitors, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
and Black (CMYK) for printers. This may lead to a color
print not resembling the original on-screen image.