19Help Guide
Explanations of Menu Items
7 or 8 Bits Data Word (ML). If your computer system uses
seven bits to make up each unit of data, change this setting to 7.
7 or 8 Bit Graphics. Choose the graphics your system uses:
7 or 8 dots in each column printed.
Auto CR (IBM). If you want the printer to automatically
add a carriage return when a Line Feed is received at the end
of a line, change the setting to Yes.
Auto LF. If your printout is consistently double spaced, select
No; if it overprints, select Yes.
Auto Feed XT (Epson). If your system uses pin 14 of the
parallel interface to control automatic line feed, change the
setting to Valid.
Auto Select. If you always use the same Top of Form position,
change the setting to Yes.
Bottom Margin. Change to Invalid if you want the printer
to ignore the bottom margin setting. Caution! This can cause
loss of data and damage the printhead.
Centring Position. Choose DEFAULT, Mode 1 or Mode 2.
Character Set. Choose IBM Set I or IBM Set II.
Code Page. Choose the Code Page character set you wish to
use: USA (IBM 437), Canada French (IBM 863),
Multilingual (IBM 850), Portugal (IBM 860), Norway (IBM
865), BRASC II, or Abicomp.
Draft Mode. Change to SSD if you wish to use the Super
Speed Draft mode of printing. Note: Print Mode must be set
to DRAFT for this setting to be effective.
Emulation Mode. Choose the printer emulation.
Form Tear-Off. Choose 500 mS, 1 sec, or 2 sec to turn the
Form Tear-Off feature on and to set the time interval for the
printer to wait before advancing the paper.
Graphics. Change to bidirectional graphics for faster
printing: optimise the registration using the Print Registration
menu item.
I-Prime. Determines what the printer will do when it receives
the I-Prime signal from the host: Buffer Print prints out the
buffer contents before resetting; Buffer Clear dumps the buffer
contents immediately. Invalid causes the printer to ignore
the I-Prime signal.
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