Fit to A3 Off, On Adjusts magnification to fit A3
paper if printer supports this size.
Sleep 15Min Aft, 2HR After, 4H
After, Off
Idle time before Scancopier
switches into power saving. Press
any key to wake up.
Photo/Text/Mixed Photo, Text, Mixed Selects scanning mode to suit type
of original.
Normal/Quality Normal mode, Quality mode Selects normal or high resolution.
Contrast 1~3~5 Graphical bar display, selects
contrast adjustment.
Light/Dark 1~4~7 Graphical bar display, selects
brightness adjustment.
Color Balance Adj Press Select to adjust (see
section entitled Color
Used to adjust color balance of
scanned image.
Ratio 25 / 50 / 86 / 100 / 115 /
122 / 141 / 200 / 300 / 400
Reduction or enlargement ratio.
(Use 141% for A5 to A4.)
Item Setting Explanation