The use of a dual-band filter allows
simultaneous observation of double-
stained specimens. With the
conventional observation method,
photomicrography or image
documentation with optimally
balanced light intensity is difficult
since one of the two fluorochromes
may emit fluorescence that is too
weak or too strong. However, by
simply turning the dial of the AX-
REXBA, easy control of the
fluorescence balance is assured for
photomicrography with ideally
balanced light.
U.S. patent pending.
(1) Use of a dual-band filter, allows
observation of and photomicrography
with a double-stained fluorescing
specimen under optimum conditions,
regardless of the conditions of the
stained specimen.
(2) As the AX-REXBA allows
adjustment of excitation light,
unnecessary irradiation is prevented
and damage to the specimen is
(3) The 25EBFB/G filter
accommodates a double-stained
fluorescing specimen using two types
of fluorochromes – FITC/TRITC and
FITC/Texas Red. This filter is
designed for general use with double-
stained specimens with G/B
excitation. The 25EBFU/B** filter
designed for U/B excitation is also
To be released October 1997.
(4) With single-band excitation, the
AX-REXBA can serve as a continuous
light control unit. (When 25EBFB/G is
used, the AX-REXBA is applicable for
B or G excitation).
(5) The AX-REXBA is easily installed
into the AX70's aperture stop position.
Fluorescence microscopy dedicated accessories
support full research efficiency.
Observation comparison without and with AX-REXBA.
Human chromosome telomere/FITC + P2, UPLAPO100 , PE3.3
With use of AX-REXBA
Without using AX-REXBA