
EYEPIECES/FILAR MICROMETER EYEPIECE --------------------------------- 33
Widefield eyepieces WHN10x, WHN10x-H,
CROSSWHN10x, WH15x --------------------- 33
Super widefield eyepieces SWH10x-H, MICROSWH10x,
CROSSSWH10x ------------------------------ 33
Filar micrometer eyepiece U-OSM --------------------------------------- 33
REVOLVING NOSEPIECES---------------------------------------------------- 34 — 35
Quintuple revolving nosepiece U-5RE-2--------------------------------------34
Sextuple revolving nosepiece with slider slot for DIC
U-D6RE--------------------------------------- 34
Sextuple revolving nosepiece with slider slot for DIC with ESD treatment
U-D6RE-ESD --------------------------------- 34
Septuple revolving nosepiece with slider slot for DIC
U-D7RE -------------------------------------- 34
Centerable quadruple revolving nosepiece with slider slot for DIC
U-P4RE -------------------------------------- 34
Centerable sextuple revolving nosepiece with slider slot for DIC
U-P6RE -------------------------------------- 34
Quintuple revolving nosepiece for BF/DF
U-5BDRE ------------------------------------ 35
Quintuple revolving nosepiece for BF/DF with slider slot for DIC
U-D5BDRE ----------------------------------- 35
Sextuple revolving nosepiece for BF/DF with slider slot for DIC/
U-D6BDRE ----------------------------------- 35
Centerable quintuple revolving nosepiece
U-P5BDRE ----------------------------------- 35
Adapter to mount BF objectives
BD-M-AD ------------------------------------ 35
VIDEO CAMERA ADAPTERS ------------------------------------------------- 36 — 37
C-mount video camera ports U-TV0.25xC, U-TV0.35xC-2,
U-TV0.5xC-3, U-TV0.63xC ------------------- 36
Video camera mount adapters U-CMAD3, U-BMAD, U-SMAD,
U-TMAD, U-FMT ----------------------------- 37
Video camera port U-TV1x-2 ------------------------------------ 37
MOTORIZED UNITS-------------------------------------------------------------38 — 41
Motorized BF/DF reflected light illuminator+motorized Nomarski DIC sextuple
revolving nosepiece+100W halogen lamp housing
BX-RLAA+U-D6REMC+U-LH100-3 ---------- 38
Motorized universal reflected light illuminator
BX-RFAA ------------------------------------- 38
Motorized quintuple BD revolving nosepiece with slider slot for DIC
U-D5BDREMC ------------------------------- 39
Motorized sextuple revolving nosepiece with slider slot for DIC
U-D6REMC ---------------------------------- 39
Motorized centerable quintuple revolving nosepiece with slider slot for DIC
U-P5REMC ----------------------------------- 39
Control unit BX-UCB -------------------------------------- 39
Hand switch U-HSTR2 ------------------------------------ 39
Control box for motorized nosepiece and BF/DF illuminator
BX-REMCB ---------------------------------- 39
AC adapter for BX-REMCB U-ACAD4515 -------------------------------- 39
Active auto focus unit U-AFA1M ------------------------------------ 40
Motorized reflected filter wheel U-FWR --------------------------------------- 40
Motorized illumination with power focus
BXFMA-F ------------------------------------ 41
DEEP ULTRAVIOLET OBSERVATION SYSTEM -------------------------------- 42
UV248 compatible intermediate tube
U-UVF248IM --------------------------------- 42
UV quartz light guide U-UVF2FV/5FB ------------------------------- 42
UV248 compatible light source box + Mercury Xenon lamp housing
U-UVF248LB+U-LH80HBXE ----------------- 42
OPTICAL TERMINOLOGY ---------------------------------------------------- 43 — 46
WELCOME TO UIS2/UIS OPTICS ---------------------------------------------- 3 — 4
SYSTEM DIAGRAM --------------------------------------------------------------- 5 — 6
UIS2/UIS OBJECTIVE LENSES ----------------------------------------------- 7 — 18
M Plan SemiApochromat MPLFLN series -------------------------------- 8
Long WD M Plan SemiApochromat LMPLFLN series ------------------------------ 9
M Plan Achromat MPLN series --------------------------------- 10
LCD Long WD M Plan SemiApochromat
LCPLFLN-LCD series -------------------------11
M Plan Apochromat MPlanApo series -----------------------------12
Super Long WD M Plan Achromat SLMPlan series -------------------------------12
IR Long WD M Plan SemiApochromat
LMPlan-IR series -----------------------------13
IR M Plan SemiApochromat MPlan-IR -------------------------------------13
M Plan SemiApochromat BD MPLFLN-BD series ---------------------------14
M Plan SemiApochromat BDP MPLFLN-BDP series --------------------------15
Long WD M Plan SemiApochromat BD
LMPLFLN-BD series --------------------------16
M Plan Achromat BD MPLN-BD series ------------------------------17
M Plan Apochromat BD MPlanApo-BD --------------------------------18
MICROSCOPE SYSTEM BXFM ---------------------------------------------- 19 — 22
BXFM frame BXFM-F -------------------------------------- 19
BXFM-S BXFM-F+BXFM-ILHS ------------------------ 21
Universal stand type 2 SZ2-STU2 ----------------------------------- 22
Compact stand U-ST ----------------------------------------- 22
Large stand SZ-STL --------------------------------------22
ILLUMINATION UNITS --------------------------------------------------------- 23 — 25
Reflected light illuminator for BF/DF
BX-RLA2 ------------------------------------- 23
Universal reflected light illuminatorBX-URA2 ------------------------------------ 23
Reflected light illuminators for BF BX-KMA/BX-KMA-ESD ----------------------- 24
Reflected light illuminator for BF U-KMAS -------------------------------------25
LAMP HOUSING & ACCESSORIES ----------------------------------------- 26 — 28
75W xenon apo lamp housing U-LH75XEAPO------------------------------- 26
100W mercury apo lamp housing U-LH100HGAPO ----------------------------- 26
100W mercury lamp housing U-LH100HG ---------------------------------- 26
100W halogen lamp housings U-LH100-3/U-LH100IR/U-LH100L-3 -------- 26
External power supply TH4-100/200 -------------------------------- 27
Hand switch TH4-HS -------------------------------------- 27
Extension cord U-RMT --------------------------------------- 27
DF converter for BX-URA2 U-RCV ---------------------------------------27
Fiber adapter for reflected light observation
U-LGAD -------------------------------------- 27
Transmitted light guide adapter SZX-TLGAD ---------------------------------- 27
Light source LG-PS2 -------------------------------------- 28
Light guide LG-SF ---------------------------------------- 28
Double lamp house adapter U-DULHA ------------------------------------28
OBSERVATION TUBES -------------------------------------------------------- 29 — 30
Widefield binocular tube U-TR30-2 ------------------------------------ 29
Widefield binocular tube for IR U-TR30IR ------------------------------------ 29
Widefield erect image trinocular tube
U-ETR-4 ------------------------------------- 29
Single port tube with lens U-TLU ---------------------------------------- 29
Single port tube with lens for IR U-TLUIR ------------------------------------- 29
Super widefield trinocular tube U-SWTR-3 ----------------------------------- 30
Super widefield erect image trinocular tube
U-SWETR ------------------------------------ 30
Super widefield erect image tilting trinocular tube
MX-SWETTR --------------------------------- 30
INTERMEDIATE TUBES & ACCESSORIES ------------------------------- 31 — 32
Magnification changer U-CA ----------------------------------------- 31
Magnification changer 2x U-ECA --------------------------------------- 31
Trinocular intermediate attachment
U-TRU --------------------------------------- 31
Dual port U-DP ----------------------------------------- 32
Dual port 1x U-DP1xC ------------------------------------- 32
Eyepoint adjuster U-EPA2 -------------------------------------- 32
Arrow pointer U-APT --------------------------------------- 32