
Additional information
Confirm the following points before contacting us so that we can provide quick and
accurate answers.
Please fill out this check sheet if you want to contact us by fax or mail.
Symptom, displayed messages, frequency, and other details of the problem:
PC-related problems are difficult to accurately identify. Please provide as much detail as
Before you contact us
Contact information:Postal code
Address (your residential address or office address)
Product name (model):
Serial number (located on the side of the product):
Purchase date:
* Please provide the following information if you are using the storage unit connected to
a PC, or if you are using third party application software:
Type of PC:
Manufacturer, model, and other:
Memory size and free hard disk space:
Type of operating system and version:
Settings on Control Panel/System/Device Manager:
Other peripheral devices connected:
Name and version of the application software related to your problem:
Name and version of the OLYMPUS software product related to your problem:
MRF10_E.book Page 71 Wednesday, July 13, 2005 4:44 PM