Camera type: 35mm single lens reflex camera
with electronic control automatic exposure
and focal plane shutter.
Image format: 24 x 36mm.
Lens mount: Olympus OM Mount, bayonet type.
Shutter: Electronically controlled focal plane
Flash synchronization: X contact. Direct contact
Automatic exposure control: Aperture-priority
electronically controlled shutter. TTL direct
light measuring system. Light measuring range:
EV-0.5 to 18 from 2 sec. to 1/1000 sec. at
normal temperatures and humidity with ASA
100 and F1.2 standard lens.
Exposure compensation: ±2EV.
Automatic flash exposure: Normal auto flash
(at 2 aperture settings F4 and F8 with ASA
100 film) is automatically set to X synch. (1/
60 sec.) in conjunction with the electronic
flash T20.
Manual exposure control: The optional Manual
Adapter attached to the OM-10 permits a full
range of 11 manual shutter speeds. (1 to 1/
By setting the mode selector lever to the man-
ual mode, the shutter speed can be set to 1/60
Film speed range: ASA 25 to 1600.
Battery checker: Battery voltage can be checked
by both LED and PCV. Mirror lock to limit
Power source: Two 1.5V alkaline-manganese bat-
teries LR44 (A76), or two 1.5V silver oxide
batteries SR44 (Eveready EPX-76 or equiva-
Viewfinder: Pentaprism type.
Focusing screen: Microprism/sprit image-matte
Finder view-field: 93% of actual picture field.
Viewfinder magnification: 0.92X with the 50mm
lens at infinity.
Viewfinder information: 12-step shutter speed
scale and flash charge indicated by LEDs.
Mirror: Oversize, quick return mirror.
Film advance: Lever type with 130° angle, It
can be wound with one long or several short
strokes. 30° pre-advance angle. Power wind-