Thank you for purchasing this OLYMPUS P-440 digital color printer. Read this manual carefully
prior to use to ensure correct use of this product.
About this Reference Manual
• Unauthorized copying or reproduction of any portion of this manual by any means is strictly
• All contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
• Please be aware that the manufacturer does not assume responsibility for circumastances in any
from that occur as a result use of this product.
• Please be aware that the manufacturer does not assume responsibility for damage and so forth
caused by improper use of the product by the customer, handling of the product not in accordance
with the contents of this manual, or repairs or alterations made on the product by a third party other
than a representative of OLYMPUS or persons designated by OLYMPUS.
• Please be aware that the manufacturer does not assume responsibility for conditions caused by the
installation of options or consumables other than genuine OLYMPUS products or OLYMPUS
quality certified products.
Reading this Manual
This manual provides an explanation of the functions, operating procedures and various settings of this
printer. Information on items of importance which are related to potential mechanical or operational
problems are indicated with a “
” warning, while information that will be convenient or
beneficial for you to know when using the product are indicated under the heading of “
Input Selection Paper Selection Picture Selection Printing ModesSetup Printing
Indicates the operating procedure.
Operating procedures encircled
with a dotted line may be skipped.
Operating procedure explained on this page.